
A function used in Logical Switches that compares selectable source “a” to a chosen constant “x” using ‘less than’ as the comparator.  The function takes the value of TRUE when the value of the selected source is less than the chosen constant and FALSE when the source is equal to or greater than the constant.  Two fields labeled V1 and V2 follow the function statement to define source “a” and value “x”.  For example if ‘Thr’ is selected from the drop down choice list in the V1 field, and ’30’ is set in the V2 field, the logical switch containing a<x will be TRUE any time the throttle position is less than 30%.  Throttle settings at 30% or above result in the Logical Switch containing this function to be FALSE.

A fourth field in the logical switch line permits a second source to become part of the comparison logic using the logical AND conjunction.  Continuing the prior example, if SG↓ is selected in the AND field, then the logical switch becomes TRUE only when the throttle is than 30% AND physical switch G is in the down position.

A 5th and 6th field in the logical switch line allow a duration and a delay to be imposed on the switch condition .

See also related functions

 a=x    a>x

|a|=x   |a|<x   |a|>x