Turn on your radio and enjoy the splash screen while Taranis wakes up. “WHOA – I’m already getting hit with warnings!” OK, not unexpected. Here’s what’s going on and how to take care of it: Warnings
When you’ve dealt with the start up warnings, you’ll arrive at the first of four “Main Screens”. Please take a quick orientation tour and move on: Main Screens
A SP MENU gets you from the Main Screens to the “Model Selection” screen (pg 1 of 13). You’ll find that this screen also lets you pick a model to fly at the field, but we’re setting up a new one now. We can use any empty slot, so we’ll set up the class model on slot #5. Please go along with me on your radio for the practice. We can move the chosen position around any time we want. You’ll notice that we can even copy or delete a model from here. More on that later. Right now we’re creating:
Congrats — Pg 1 of Model Setup is done. Not too bad, eh? Yeah, you can do this!
BY THE WAY: We’re going to provide class examples for your practice as we go along, and the configuration settings for the class example will be highlighted in green text. You are invited to also set up your own model with your own selections as we go. At the end, we’ll help you finish the set up with your own model.
Click to advance to Model Set Up Screen (2/13)