A constant having value equal to +100.
Units as displayed in OpenTx Companion and Taranis; Imperial or Metric
A timed voice enunciation of the timer count, broadcast over loud speaker or audio jack
The mixer section of the Taranis (or Companion) allows any of the many sources of input to be combined as desired and mapped to any output channel. The mixer defines the logic by which the aircraft will be controlled. Typically … Continue reading
Image (icon) displayed when selecting a model. Image size must be 64px wide x32px tall in 4-bit greyscale .bmp file stored in SDcard/BMP folder in Taranis. Image name may be up to 10 characters with no spaces and have a .bmp … Continue reading
The Taranis will immediately access up to 60 different model set ups by name and even more on the SD card. Each model can be named with up to 12 alphanumeric characters in both upper and lower case plus limited … Continue reading
Binary model backup files that have been archived in MODEL SELECTION menu.
Option to disable mix line in specific flight modes
Multi-rotor aircraft. A rapidly growing Special Interest Group. Examples include quadcopters (4 rotors), hexacopters (6 rotors), etc. Frequently used with Aerial Photography (AP) and first person view (FPV) equipment.
A value used to align gimbal stick movements of the student’s transmitter (Slave) with that of the training instructor’s transmitter (Master).
Software used to control multirotor (MR) air craft. Originally developed for gaming.
Multiplexing, a means of combining multiple inputs into one output. As used in OpenTX, it describes the relationship of a line of instruction with the line above it, such as Add (+=), Multiply (*=), or Replace (:=). The relationship … Continue reading