A function used in Logical Switches that returns a momentary switch dependant on another switch or flight mode dependant on time active. The fields labeled V1 and V2 (in two parts) follow the function statement to define activating switch and value … Continue reading
File extension for the EEPROM file. See also EEPROM
Specifies the firmware version number stored in transmitter’s EEPROM non-volatile memory
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory: The EEPROM is a solid state memory whose stored values remain after power is turned off — it is non-volatile. The EEPROM is a read-only memory but its contents can be erased and reprogrammed by a … Continue reading
Shorthand for the enter key on the face of the Taranis. Typically accompanied by a LP or a SP instruction as in LP ENT for long press Enter.
Electronic Speed Control, an electronic device that takes a throttle signal from the receiver and adjusts electrical conditions to an electric motor to control motor rpm.
Assigns a mathematical exponential gain weighting to both sides of stick center position to calculate servo travel. Used to reduce or “soften” the effect of control stick movement around neutral to smooth control of aircraft with large control surfaces and … Continue reading
Allows the transmitter to send signals that would move the servos to 150% of their “normal” travel movement. Different radio vendors offer different amounts of extended servo travel under names such as travel volume or end point. Different servos have … Continue reading
Increases gimbal stick trims to 100% of range instead of default of 25%. Be careful with this option because a long press of the trim button could achieve full control surface deflection and render the plane unable to be controlled.