A value that is added to the incoming value of a source. Frequently used similar to a sub-trim to square up servo control arms, to zero control surface deflections, or to calibrate telemetry or voltage values.
Allows an RC helicopter’s main rotor to rotate even when the motor is stopped. Very much like a bicycle gear for a rear wheel. Allows a helicopter to autorotate (land without power).
A neat little helper application that allows you to set up new models, modify existing model settings, calibrate transmitter input sources, simulate transmitter actions, facilitate firmware updates, and generally make OpenTx easily accessible with your computer. OpenTx Companion mirrors the … Continue reading
An on-screen display (abbreviated OSD) is an image superimposed on a screen picture, commonly used in FPV to display information such as battery voltage, direction to home, altitude, airspeed and other information relevant to First Person View.
Abbreviation for One Way Bearing