Basic Airplane Class: 2.07 PreFlight Checks

  • Display Checklist (checkbox) :  Checking this option allows model notes on the SD card to be displayed when the model is loaded.  A DOS.txt text file named with the exact same name as a loaded model (remember the caution about avoiding embedded blanks in naming the model) and placed in the MODELS folder will be recognized as notes attached to that model.  A line of text can be 35 characters long including spaces. You may have as many rows as you need in the .txt file.  Good for field checklists, and special reminders like battery size, CG, prop size, switch uses, etc.  Simple .txt files can be read from the SD card using the SD browser.  This is a cool feature, but we’ll leave managing .txt files on the SD card for another class.  Please leave this box not checked for our class example. 
  • Throttle State (checkbox):  This is checked by default as a safety feature.  Causes the Tx to warn of throttle not at idle when a model is loaded.  The throttle warning is removed by unchecking this box (not recommended).
  • Switch Positions:  Pressing ENT on a switch label will toggle the warning on/off for that switch. When the switch is toggled OFF, the  symbol to the right of the switch disappears. The arrow only means that the set position is active, not which direction the switch must be in.  Once you’ve selected which switches are to be ignored, place the remaining active switches in the physical positions where you want them upon loading a model, and store the choices for all switches with LP ENT on the ‘ <] ‘ label at the end of the row of switches displayed.  This field customizes the Switch Warning to your preferences, such as ignoring unused switches. The startup Switch Warning feature can be turned off entirely by turning off all switches in this screen if desired.  The default switch positions for a new model are forward and down. We’ll use switch B for our Hi, Med, Lo rates later in the set up, so I’ll set the switch warning at start up for SB to the rear (will become our low rate setting) as our class example.  All the other switches will be turned OFF to prevent nuisance warnings. Don’t forget to long press ‘ >] ‘ at the end.
  • Pot positions:  3 Choices (Off, Man, Auto).  Allows warning of pot position errors on start up. Default is ‘Off’, which causes no start up warning and takes no action to save current pot and slider settings when exiting a model or turning off the Tx.  ‘Auto’ and ‘Man’ allow selection of individual pots and sliders to be checked and warned upon startup.  ‘Auto’ automatically stores the last positions when the radio is turned off or another model is loaded, and start up warnings will check against those saved positions.  ‘Man’ stores current pot and slider settings only by LP ENT on the label of each pot before exit.  Only pots that are highlighted are included in the start up check/warning, SP ENT on the label to toggle.  Our class accepts the default ‘Off’ because we’re not using pots or sliders for control and we’d rather avoid nuisance alarms.  

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