
A function used in Logical Switches that compares a CHANGE to a selectable source “d” to a chosen constant “x” using ‘Greater Than or equal to’ as the comparator.  The function takes the value of TRUE when the change to the source is … Continue reading

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D16 mode

A communication protocol in newer X-series FrSky radios offering up to 32 channels, telemetry, S-Port support, unique receiver coordination, and others.

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D8 mode

A communication protocol in older D-series FrSky radios with 8 channels and telemetry but otherwise missing the expanded feature set of newer X-series radios.

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DFU Mode

Device Firmware Update. Usually involves a multi-step process of connecting the device to be updated to a computer by a USB cable or other connector in a way that puts the device’s operating system into an updateable condition.

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A field in Mixer used to create aileron differential.  The DIFF weight entered in a Mixer line applies to one side of the action and (100%-DIFF weight) on the other.  For example DIFF = 100% allows full movement to one side and 0% to the … Continue reading

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Short for “aileron differential”.  When ailerons are deployed, the up aileron “sees” less relative wind than the down aileron because the wing itself tends to block some of the incoming wind for the up aileron.  The result causes the up … Continue reading

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Direct Drive

A type of RC helicopter that uses a separate motor from the main motor to run the tail rotor.  Common for micro RC helicopters; unusual for large RC helicopters.


Discus Launched Glider – a special interest group of RC flyers, see also F3K

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A driver is a piece of software that allows your operating system to communicate with whatever’s connected to it. Without it, the operating system doesn’t know what to do with the device. In our case, it’s important because without it … Continue reading

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