Our class can only go so far in asking you to follow along with the class example configurations. At this point we need to finish the model physical set up using a strategy that exploits the control chain as described previously. You are invited to do this with your own model at this time. The following stepwise procedure should help you finish configuring your airplane:
- Connect servo leads to the correct Rx ports according to the channel assignments in Mixer.
- With the prop removed, apply control power to the Rx and servos.
- Check control surfaces for correct direction of movement with stick inputs. Reverse direction in Servos as necessary to get correct direction of control surface movement.
- Physically confirm that your trimmer inputs are being passed to the control surfaces in the correct direction.
- Physically verify that any mixes are working in the desired directions. If errors, relook at Mixer weights.
- With centered sticks and trims, set sub-trims in the Servos screen to center control surfaces .
- Select high rates switch setting and edit each side of the servo travel limits for each channel in the Servos screen to achieve the desired max control surface deflections. Avoid damaging excessive travel.
- Verify deflections in reduced rates. Adjust reduced rates in Inputs as necessary for fine tuning.
- Re-verify correct control surface direction of movement, trimmer direction of movement, and correct direction for any mixes.
- Re-install the prop, do a range check at the field (in Model Set Up, pg 2/13), and take your plane for a trim/balance flight. Use trimmers to achieve hands-off straight and level flight of your model. Use your favorite method for confirming correct balance (there are several).
- Land and transfer those trims to sub-trims using the software button at the bottom of the Servos screen.
- Use subsequent flights to adjust weights and expo values in Inputs to get the right control feel for your model and flying style.
- Enjoy flying and exploring the extraordinary capabilities of your radio.
You are an honors graduate of the Basic Airplane Set Up with Taranis class! Please use the comment forms available at the bottom of each section for feedback and suggestions/corrections about this class. Thanks for your time and effort to work through our class. I hope it’s useful ………….. Bob R.
— Lagniappe —
Here’s a little something extra for you for completing the Basic Airplane course. We’ll stay out of the details but step briefly into the Special Functions screen # 10 or #11 of Model Set Up, and set up your left slider to control Taranis’ voice volume. This is one of those screens we by-passed in class because we didn’t need it for the Basic Airplane set up. The button navigation should be familiar. From within the Special Functions screen:
- ‘-‘ to a vacant SF line number.
- SP ENT to the adjacent field; SP ENT again to edit; ‘+’ until ON appears; SP ENT to select.
- ‘-‘ to the next field; SP ENT to edit; ‘+’ until VOLUME appears; SP ENT to select
- ‘-‘ to the next field; SP ENT to edit; ‘+’ until LS appears; SP ENT to select
- ‘-‘ to the check box, SP ENT to check it.
- EXIT to finish.
Your left slider should now be a volume control on Taranis’s voice! You may want to go back into Radio Set Up and increase the available voice loudness to maximum and all control will be on the left slider. Note: Volume for critical warnings is not reduced with the slider. Check it out…
Fly Often. Share the Joy. Be Safe.