Latching switches are a type of electronic toggle switch. They turn on continuously when pressed and will toggle off with a second press.
The time delay between when an input is changed in the transmitter and when it is acted upon by a servo.
Lateral cyclic direction. Specifies the direction, Normal (—) or Inverse (INV).
Subtrim that provides a linear servo response. With linear subtrim the servo center is halfway between the servo max and min points.
Lithium Polymer batteries are the preferred power sources for most electric modelers today. They offer high discharge rates and a high energy storage/weight ratio. However, using them properly and charging them correctly is no trivial task. There are many things … Continue reading
L1 thru L32; 32 logic switches, programmable to compare values as true or false, active when true, inactive when false.
Telemetry data log file(s) stored in comma separated values (csv) file format. Location: SD Card
Longitudinal Cyclic Direction. specifies the direction, Normal (—) or Inverse (INV)
Long Press (press/hold) one of the 6 keys on the face of the Taranis. Example: LP Menu is a Long Press of the Menu key. This is contrasted with SP Menu, which would be a short (brief) press of the … Continue reading
A FrSky radio communication protocol for up to 3x extended range on 12 channels without telemetry.
Long Range System; used to extend the control range of the model for longer range. Typically uses frequencies in the 450Mhz range.
Abbreviation for Logic Switch and for Left Slider, depending on context. A Logic Switch is a “soft” switch defined by user instructions. Triggered when conditional logic criteria are satisfied. The “Left Slider” is the pot (potentiometer) on the left edge of … Continue reading
Lua is a small but powerful open source (free) programming language designed to be used by operating systems typically found in mobile devices. Support for Lua-scripting is a new feature in OpenTX 2.0. Lua-scripts are stored in text files and … Continue reading
Low Voltage Cutoff. The voltage at which devices will stop working (important to know for ESC’s and Tx’s and Rx’s). Also used as a safety measure on some ESC’s to cut off the voltage from the battery, especially for LiPo … Continue reading