Failsafe, the conditions that a model’s servos and motor will revert to if the control signal from the transmitter is lost
A category of AMA and FAI special interest for slope soaring glider competition
A category of AMA and FAI special interest for thermal duration glider competition
A category of AMA and FAI special interest for hand launched glider competition
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, international agency regulating competitions
A radio set up option to allow practicing with telemetry enabled then engage FAI Mode at the field for competition. see also Build Option
Disables all telemetry displays, other than RSSI and voltage, to comply with Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) regulations for contests, championships, and record setting activities. Once engaged, this option remains in effect until the firmware is re-flashed. See also Build Option
Allows options for setting servo positions should receiver lose transmitter’s transmission signal
FrSky Amp Sensor
FrSky Current/Ampere Sensor 100 Amp
FrSky Current/Ampere Sensor 40 Amp
FrSky Battery Voltage Sensor
Flight Controller
FrSky 40 Amp Current sensor w/Smart Port, for use with FrSky Smart Port enabled receivers, such as X8R, X6R, X4R, etc.,
1. System Firmware (aka: OpenTX): Computer code that tells the RF firmware what to do. This includes any adjustments you might make on your transmitter, the number of channels used and their order, any switch assignments, special rates, etc.. This … Continue reading
A type of helicopter that has main blades at a set angle.
Describes the act of updating firmware in a device, usually by transfer of information from a computer connected to the device. A synonym for “Burn”
Flight Modes are combinations of different model set ups that enhance control under widely different conditions for a given model. For example glider pilots may want one set of control responses for launch, another for riding a thermal or for … Continue reading
FrSky Lipo Sensor w/Smart Port, for use with FrSky Smart Port enabled receivers, such as X8R, X6R, X4R, etc., Operating voltage range: 2S~6S (6~25V)
See Flight Modes