Ruder, Elevator, Throttle, Aileron
Radios traditionally were bought pre-configured for mode 1 or mode 2, with mode 2 being typical for USA flyers with the throttle and rudder on the left stick and aileron and elevator on the right stick. Other regions of the … Continue reading
The four gimbal stick axes (Rud, Ele, Thr, Ail) which can independently be assigned: Weighting (gain/rate), Exponential (or Custom Curves), and flight modes. Ultimately, these are assigned to output channels in the Mixer menu.
A function used in Logical Switches that acts as a toggle. Two fields labelled V1 and V2 follow the function statement to define the on switch and the off switch. For example if ‘SH↓’ is selected from the drop down choice … Continue reading
A logic set up on the transmitter that requires the throttle to be at idle AND a designated switch in a permissive condition to activate the throttle to the aircraft. The throttle subsequently remains active regardless of throttle position until the switch is placed in … Continue reading