v2.1 Resources


Just Added:  X9D/X9DP FrSky Quick Start Guides

a. OpenTX Downloads page: http://www.open-tx.org/downloads.html

b.   v2.1 Users Forum and Flashing v2.1: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2451551

c.  Another new v2.1 forum, this one from RcForums: OpenTX v2.1 Released!

d. v2.1 Release notes:  https://github.com/opentx/opentx/releases (linking here is the most up to date changelog)

e.  Mike Sellim’s link describing changes in v2.1: http://rc-soar.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/opentx-21-preview.html

f.  v2.1 Companion Changes (Available in v2.1 Companion: Help –> Companion Changes): v2.1 Companion Changesg. v2.1 Release notes:  https://github.com/opentx/opentx/releases (linking here is the most up to date changelog)

h. v2.1 links, including nightly builds: OpenTX Links

j.  Amber sound pack as re-named by Chris Hogan:  Amber v2.1 Sounds

k. OpenTX vv2.1 and Taranis Documentation by thebriars0: OpenTX v2.1 and Taranis Documentation